Who We Are

The Men of Independence Chorus is a men’s a cappella Chorus that was chartered on December 9, 2003, as an Ohio chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), dedicated to high-quality quartet and chorus singing of a cappella music, primarily in the barbershop style.  From that day until now, the chorus strives to perpetuate the old American institution, the barbershop quartet, and to promote and encourage vocal harmony and good fellowship among its members and to promote public appreciation of barbershop harmony.

The Independence Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society (and Johnny Appleseed District) aka The Men Of Independence, or the MOI, started growing. Meeting on Thursday evenings so as to not interfere with other area chapters, the MOI began to attract the attention of area singers. Taking advantage of top level coaching and directing, the MOI began performing for area audiences and competing in local contests. From the beginning, our quartets had an impact on the outcome of local and district competitions. Then, after several years, the chorus began to make itself known in these same contests.

After appearing as the "mic tester" chorus at the 2009 International Chorus Contest in Anaheim, California, the MOI qualified to compete on the International Stage in Toronto (2013), Las Vegas (2014), Pittsburgh (2015), Nashville (2016), Las Vegas (2017), Orlando (2018) Salt Lake City (2019) and ((after a 2 year COVID hiatus) Charlotte (2022), Louisville (2023), and Denver in 2025.

The MOI has performed at many of the major venues throughout Northeastern Ohio, including the State Theatre, Sauder Village, Lakeside Community Center, and Severance Hall. We've also performed the National Anthem for the Guardians (Indians), Browns and Cavaliers.

Our members represent a cross-section of Northern Ohio And Western Pennsylvania. From Lorain to Geauga County, from Lakewood to Pittsburgh, our members come together to strive toward our common goal of excellence in a cappella singing.

If you’re interested in singing with us, consider joining us any Thursday at 7:30 PM at the Independence United Methodist Church, on the corner of Stone Road and Brecksville Road (Rt. 21) in the center of Independence. If you have “an itch” to sing, we look forward to meeting you!

For additional information, contact us at 216-803-3434.